
When a person is overwhelmed by an emotional crisis and cannot cope with daily life, he or she may be suffering from depression. Depression ranges in severity but affects approximately 20 percent adults. Symptoms include feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and despair; loss of interest and pleasure in things; weight loss or weight gain; difficult falling asleep or sleeping more than usual; lack of motivation' and loss of energy. In cases of mild or situational depression, the symptoms usually decline with a change of scenery or routine, or once the problem that caused the depression disappears.

نظرات (3) -

  • sara

    27/05/1388 10:35:39 ق.ظ | پاسخ به این نظر

    salaam.mitoonam az shoma oon barnameye steganografi ke dar moredesh harf zade boodid ra bekhaham.agar mitavanid komakam konid lotfan be man yek e-mail be in barname niaz daram.khahesh mikonam man ra dar in zamine rahnemayi befarmayid.

  • رهام

    01/10/1388 03:35:33 ب.ظ | پاسخ به این نظر

    از ویکی پدیا بود؟
    تاثیرات فصل زمستونه با اومدن عید بدتر میشه!
    ولیit's the circle of life , and it move us al l
    حالا ولش کن! خودت بلاگ نداری چرا میای بلاگ مردم مینویسی!
